Washi Origami Christmas Tree
Step 1: Fold the paper diagonally to the other side and cut off the excess strip along the bottom to form a square. |
The sheet should look like this. |
Step 2: Fold the square the other direction corner to corner. |
Step 3: Now fold the opposite way square on. |
Step 4: Then fold the opposite sides together. |
The sheet should look like this. |
Step 5: Fold corner to corner and push in the sides to create a diamond. Can make the diamond flat on the table like the above then fold the other diamond on top. |
The sheet should look like this. |
Step 6: Take the corner and fold into the centre line. Repeat this on all four corners. |
The sheet should look like this. |
Step 7: Cut off the triangle along the bottom to form the base. |
Step 8: Unfold the flaps and pull open the pouch. |
Step 9: Fold this pouch back in on itself so that you create two flaps. |
Step 10: Cut slits along the edges of the flaps. Can cut through several together to keep it even. |
Step 11: Fold down the corner of the cut to create a folded triangle. This creates the tree branches. |
Step: 12 Repeat Step 11 on all edges and spread out to make each flap evenly to create your tree. |